My wife is playing with half-long pips in backhand on Taïpan.
Few days ago, she tested Le Géant and we got amazed by how good it is with Flashback 1.8: it makes the ball bounce even lower than with Taïpan.
Then she tried KO Extreme 1.8, same lower bounce and improved control but where it really shines is the higher dynamics between short pushes and agressive long pushes.
Congratulations for this, Achim
Forehand is quite different from Taïpan and needs more adjustment, maybe wrong rubbers.
She tried rubbers she played with on Taïpan:
- Glayzer 09c 1.9 felt dead for fast game.
- Rozena 1.7 too bouncy for short game.
- Glayzer 1.9 which felt better than the 2 others.